Simple Repeats in Music Jotter can be added from the Repeats & Barlines Tab.

The barline/repeat tab is responsible for various types of repeats (Da Capo, Dal Segno) and other barline options.

How to Add a Repeat

Click on Measure Select, select a measure, then click on the +/- Repeat icon.

Adding Multiple Repeats, Implementation Diagram

To add multiple repeats, click on Measure Select, select a measure, then click on the +/- Repeat icon.  Repeat this process as many times as you wish, and Music Jotter will automatically handle the correct matching repeat pair.  See the example below, on how to add 4 repeats to your score:

  1. Click on the 2nd measure, then click the +/- Repeat icon.
  2. Click on the 4th measure, then click the +/- Repeat icon.
  3. Click on the 6th measure, then click the +/- Repeat icon.
  4. Click on the 8th measure, then click the +/- Repeat icon.

Basic repeats in Music Jotter

Adding Ranged Repeats, Implementation Diagram

To add a ranged repeat, using the Measure Select tool, click on the starting measure, hold shift, and click on the ending measure.  Then click on the +/- Repeat icon.

Ranged repeats in Music Jotter

Removing Repeats

To remove a repeat, click the measure that contains the repeat you wish to remove, then click on the +/- Repeat icon.  Music Jotter will automatically remove the correct matching repeat pair.