A child receives many benefits from learning to play a musical instrument. There is extensive research on how taking up a musical instrument and creating their own music can enhance a child’s academic and social skills. This explains how some of the most renowned musicians have the most intelligent minds.

Here are some ways your child can benefit from music lessons:

1) It boosts academic skills

Turns out, math and music are related. Learning about rhythms and beats has shown to improve basic mathematic skills in children.  After learning music for a little while, children begin memorizing music for recitals. Learning and playing music is a multi-sensory process. By memorizing music, not only are kids boosting their sensory abilities, but are also improving their memory – that also leads to better academic skills.

2) It enhances physical skills

Many instruments require a certain level of hand-eye coordination. If your child chooses to play drums, over time, their motor skills are bound to improve. These instruments are great for high-energy kids. Instruments such as pianos and violins also improve hand-eye coordination; they simultaneously demand different actions from your right and left hand. Because musical instruments require the use of both hands, musicians develop ambidexterity. As a result, children are more physically capable of taking up other hobbies such as playing sports.

3) It helps develop social skills

Children that are part of group music classes will improve communication and teamwork skills. When playing as part of an ensemble, musicians need to learn to adjust themselves according to the rest of the orchestra or band. In a musical ensemble, the musicians collaborate and work toward a common goal.

4) They become more disciplined

Complex musical instruments like the violin require kids to be patient and develop discipline with time. A kid that has just started learning the violin has to spend the first few days just learning how to hold it. Learning a musical instrument properly requires months and sometimes years of perseverance as it takes time to develop the skills needed to play with an ensemble or memorize a full-fledged solo piece.

5) It helps with self-esteem

Lastly and most importantly, learning a musical instrument boosts self-esteem. Since not all kids can play musical instruments, it gives your kid a bit of an edge. The fact that they can do something most people cannot, makes them feel more confident in their abilities.

If your child is thinking of or is already a taking music lessons, Music Jotter’s music notation software can help them further enhance their skills. Our music notation software has an easy-to-use interface that can be learned by anyone. It comes with a manual that guides you through all its functions. With our music notation software, your child will be writing their own music in no time!

Download the free demo and purchase our software today!